Welcome to Brooks Pierce
Posted in Miscellaneous

We are pleased to launch Brooks Pierce’s Newsroom Law Blog, a blog focused on legal issues facing broadcast and print newsrooms. We look forward to providing regular content as a resource to journalists and editors working in newsrooms, as well as to legal professionals who advise media clients and academics who teach and study media issues.  The content we provide will range across the wide spectrum of legal issues that arise in the newsroom, from subpoenas to search warrants, from libel to invasion of privacy to trespass, from courtroom access to access to public records, from Internet issues to political advertising.

We will post to this blog a steady diet of primers and how-to pieces covering these topics.  We will make timely posts on hot topics, as legal opinions touching upon newsroom issues are released or as legislative decisions are made.  The breadth of topics we cover will be nationwide in scope, and we will also closely follow developments in North Carolina law and the law of neighboring states.  We hope you will find our blog not only a source for the most up-to-date information on newsroom law, but also plumb our archives for information on whatever topic is of interest to you. Please use the comments feature of this blog to share with us your thoughts and ideas for how to better serve our audience.

The contributors to this blog comprise Brooks Pierce’s newsroom practice, which includes Mark Prak, Charles Coble, Charles Marshall, Elizabeth Spainhour and Eric David.  You can learn more about our firm's practice at our firm’s website.

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