Brooks Pierce Partners Present Ethics CLE for Triad Members of ACC


Brooks Pierce sponsored an event for Triad members of the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) at Undercurrent Restaurant in Greensboro on March 14. Partners Ed West and Julia Ambrose gave a continuing legal education presentation titled “Ethics Update for In-House Counsel” to attorneys from companies throughout the Triad area.

In the presentation, West and Ambrose covered a wide range of ethical dilemmas that in-house counsel frequently encounter, including attorney-client privilege, client confidentiality, and general compliance issues. They framed their discussion around a hypothetical internal investigation, and discussed how to respond to information requests and government inquiries.

West represents businesses and individuals in white collar criminal investigations, complex civil matters and administrative inquiries. He is an experienced crisis manager. Ambrose has a diverse practice that ranges from appellate litigation to transactional work involving broadcast and media clients. She is well-versed in constitutional law and regulatory compliance issues for clients in industries such as broadcasting, publishing and education. She also serves as the firm’s ethics counsel.

The ACC is a global bar association that promotes the common professional and business interests of in-house counsel through education, information, advocacy initiatives and networking opportunities. ACC has more than 35,000 members employed by over 10,000 organizations worldwide.

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