Brooks Pierce partner Randy Tinsley presented “Understanding Riparian and Water Rights” at the Land Boundaries and Access Rights seminar in Greensboro on February 8. His presentation included the history and development of riparian rights, land boundaries near the water line, access rights to surface waters, rights to groundwater, and regulations restricting access to and use of surface water and groundwater.
Randy Tinsley practices in the fields of environmental law, water rights, and water and sewer utilities. Randy is listed in The Best Lawyers in America in Natural Resources and Environmental Law.
Randy provides businesses, local governments, and individuals with legal advice and strong advocacy, informed by scientific and technical expertise. He often serves as legal counsel for multidisciplinary teams on large, complex regulatory matters. He handles matters involving water quality, water rights, Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) preparation, state and federal wetlands permitting, mining, reservoir construction, endangered species, essential fish habitat impacts, public trust and coastal permitting issues, groundwater contamination, underground storage tanks, pretreatment, hazardous waste, Superfund, administrative litigation, appellate advocacy, and stakeholder representation in rulemaking.