Singer Addresses Dodd-Frank Behavioral Economics at CFO Forum


Brooks Pierce partner Bob Singer spoke at the North Carolina Bankers Association's CFO Forum in Greensboro, NC on September 19, 2012.

Bob presented on the behavioral economic theory underpinnings of many aspects of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, particularly the role of that theory in the formation and regulatory perspective of the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau.  

Bob has practiced in the areas of banking, mergers and acquisitions, public and private securities offerings, 1934 Act reporting, venture capital transactions, and general corporate matters since 1979. He has been involved in over forty public offerings either as primary attorney or as our firm's securities review partner. He has been primary attorney or review partner on over one hundred mergers, and has directed numerous private equity placements. Since 2000, Bob served as issuer's or underwriter's counsel in public securities offerings in excess of $1.0 billion.

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