Charles Marshall Quoted in Wall Street Journal Article on Regulated and Unregulated Data
Brooks Pierce partner Charles Marshall was quoted in a recent data privacy article in the Wall Street Journal's Risk & Compliance section. The article, titled "Hacking of 'Unregulated Data' Poses Big Risk to Firms," discusses the dangers associated with data breaches of 'unregulated' corporate data - things such as emails and contractual obligations that most firms don't think of as being at risk in a breach. Marshall points out that businesses need to take measures to protect both their regulated and unregulated data.
"When you're building and designing a privacy system, it's not just the regulated data we read about in the newspapers that's of concern to businesses," said Charles Marshall, an attorney with Brooks Pierce.
Marshall goes on to advise companies to conduct a privacy assessment to determine what data they collect and what could cause the most damage if leaked.
"If you're singularly focused on regulated data and [you] still have a breach of unregulated data, it's too late," Marshall said.
Subscribers to the Wall Street Journal can read the full article here.