Eric David Appointed to Uniform Law Commission


Brooks Pierce partner Eric David has been appointed by the governor of North Carolina to serve on the Uniform Law Commission (ULC) as a state commissioner.

The ULC, with commissioners appointed from every state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, has worked since 1892 to draft and enact uniform and model laws on subjects for which uniformity of law among the states is useful. The efforts of its commissioners (as well as the broad groups of stakeholders that it convenes) provide states with non-partisan, well-written statutes that individual jurisdictions would lack the resources to draft separately.

David focuses his practice on business litigation, constitutional litigation, and media and communications law. He represents businesses, public agencies, and individuals in high-stakes litigation in federal and state court, and especially the North Carolina Business Court.

To learn more about the ULC, click here.


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