G. Walker Douglas
- Greensboro
- t: 336.271.2565
- f: 336.232.9165
- wdouglas@brookspierce.com
As Chief Administrative Officer, Walker Douglas is responsible for the management of all firm operations including human resources, facilities, information technology, finance, recruiting, and marketing.
Past Experience
Douglas Battery Manufacturing Company, Winston-Salem, NC, 1988-2010
Bar Memberships
American Bar Association
North Carolina State Bar
North Carolina Bar Association
Greensboro Bar Association
Wake Forest University School of Law, J.D.
Davidson College, B.A., Religion
Senior Professional in Human Resources
Speaking Engagements
Professional & Civic
Professional & Civic Activities
Member, Board of Directors, Piedmont Federal Bank (1998 - Present); Executive Committee (2020 - Present); Chair, Board Loan Committee (2020 - 2024); Vice Chair, Board of Directors (2024 - Present)
Member, Board of Directors, Goodwill Industries of Northwest North Carolina, Inc. (2000 - Present); Board Chairman (2006); CEO Selection Committee (2020); Chair, Compensation Committee (2019 - Present)
Member, Strategic Planning and Emerging Trends Committee, North Carolina Bar Association (2012 - 2018)
Co-Chair, Career Services Task Force, North Carolina Bar Association (2016 - 2018)
Member, Rotary Club of Winston-Salem (1992 – 2011)
Member, Board of Directors, DataMax Corporation, DataMax Foundation (1999 - 2002, 2008 - 2011)
Member, Board of Directors, Consumer Credit Counseling Services of Forsyth County (2009 - 2011)
Member, Board of Directors, United Way of Forsyth County (1997 - 2004)
Member, Board of Trustees, Summit School (1998 - 2004)
Leadership Winston-Salem (1997)
Member, Board of Directors, Northwest Child Development Council, Inc., Board Member (1995 - 1998); Board Chairman (1997 - 1998)
Member, Board of Directors, Winston-Salem Society for Human Resource Management (1992 - 1996); Recipient – President’s Award (1995)